max. 200.000 euro
Funding between 50,000 euros and 200,000 euros.
The applicant must demonstrate the ability to co-finance the investment;
Company with operating profit from the current activity on the last 2 financial statements.
Seniority: at least 1 year.
Retention of jobs for 3 years;
Acquired assets must be new;
Nothing is sold during monitoring;
Do not enter into bankruptcy or insolvency during this period.
Technological equipment;
Expenses for the purchase of vehicles;
IT equipment;
Machinery, standalone equipment;
Sanitary materials;
Land acquisition with 10% of the funding;
Consultancy, legal assistance.
Investment grants are awarded per project and beneficiary and have a value ranging from 50,000 euros to 200,000 euros, depending on the financing needs of the submitted investment projects.
(1) Investment grants refer to support from non-repayable external funds intended for beneficiaries implementing investments in their current field of activity or in a different field of activity, necessary for:
a) expanding existing production capacities, as well as for expanding service provision capacities;
b) establishing new units of existing production capacities, as well as for establishing new service provision units;
c) rehabilitating/modernizing existing production units, as well as for rehabilitating/modernizing new service provision units.
(2) Verification of the beneficiary’s classification as an SME is carried out, on a sample basis, by MEEMA/AIMMAIPE during the project implementation period, after the submission of the funding application and the conclusion of funding contracts, provided that the non-repayable external funds are recovered if the beneficiary does not meet the SME category criteria at the time of submitting the funding application.
(3) Investment grants are awarded to SMEs and NGOs with economic activity in the cultural field, as well as those with public utility activity in the social field, based on a state aid award contract.
(4) Investment grants are awarded to beneficiaries who cumulatively meet the following conditions:
a) have had current/operational activity for at least one year before submitting the funding application;
b) have recorded operational profit from current activity, respectively from operating activity in one of the financial years of the last 2 years before submitting the funding application;
c) undertake to ensure project sustainability, respectively to ensure the conduct of operational/current activities for a minimum period of 3 years after the project implementation period expires;
d) achieve a minimum of 50% of the planned revenue value in the business plan attached to the funding application in the first 2 years of sustainability, with the difference up to the end of the sustainability period, respectively the third year;
e) have their own project co-financing in a minimum percentage of 15% of the investment project value requested for financing for less developed regions, and for the Bucharest-Ilfov region, of a minimum of 30% of the project value requested for financing;
f) undertake to provide evidence regarding the reasonableness of costs for the investments for which state aid is requested.
(1) Investment domains supported by non-repayable external funds and state budget co-financing include:
a) viticulture, food industry, baking, pastry and other related activities, including processing, processing, distribution, and packaging;
b) automotive industry and specific automotive services, including repair services and car washes, among others;
c) energy and equipment/technologies/machinery for energy efficiency;
d) construction, construction materials, equipment, specific means of transport, machinery, technologies in construction;
e) transportation services, including international transportation services;
f) care and body maintenance services;
g) repair and maintenance services;
h) tourism, tourist pensions, hotels, restaurants, and recreational services, including specific recreational infrastructure;
i) metal/wood/furniture manufacturing;
j) textile/leather clothing;
k) pharmaceutical industry and medical equipment, including medical depots for emergency interventions;
l) creative industries, including those in the cultural and creative services sectors;
m) education services: nurseries and kindergartens, schools;
n) health services: medical offices, medical equipment, medical devices, and similar;
o) trade;
p) organization of fairs, events, and exhibitions services (CAEN code 8230).
(2) The list of eligible activity domains is provided in Annex 1.
(3) Investments included for financing in the domains specified in paragraph (1) may be complementary to investments financed from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
Investment grants are awarded per project and beneficiary and have a value ranging from 50,000 euros to 200,000 euros, depending on the financing needs of the submitted investment projects. Investment grants do not include the beneficiaries’ own co-financing established at a minimum of 15% of the investment project value requested for financing by beneficiaries from less developed regions and 30% of the investment project value requested for financing by beneficiaries from the Bucharest-Ilfov region.
(1) Beneficiaries of investment grants can use the investment grants allocated from non-repayable external funds, based on a state aid award contract, to finance the following categories of expenses:
a) expenses for the realization/purchase of constructions, acquisition of equipment, including IT&C, software technologies, machinery, installations, technologies, independent facilities, office furniture and specific furniture, land acquisition up to 10% of the eligible project value, consulting and design expenses, project management, technical assistance, site supervision, land planning and territorial arrangement expenses, environmental expenses, utility connection expenses, accessibility expenses, promotion expenses, participation in fairs, events, conferences, study expenses, expenses related to intellectual property rights, intangible assets related to patents, product trademarks, software necessary for conducting activities, as well as any other categories of expenses related to the investment project subject to the funding contract;
b) expenses for the establishment of warehouses for medical equipment, medicines, sanitary materials for emergency intervention;
c) expenses for the acquisition of equipment, including IT&C equipment, software technologies, technologies, machinery, installations, independent facilities, office furniture and specific furniture, inventory items of fixed assets for existing production/service units, as well as intangible assets related to patents, product trademarks, software necessary for conducting activities.
(2) For the establishment, expansion, modernization/rehabilitation of new and/or existing production/service units, the eligible expense categories provided in paragraph (1) subpar. a) and c) are eligible.
(3) If an investment project submitted by beneficiaries includes both the rehabilitation/modernization of existing production/service units and the expansion of production/service units, the eligible expense categories are provided in paragraph (1) subpar. a) and c).
(4) Beneficiaries of investment grants for productive services in the transport sector can use non-repayable external funds for the financing of the following expense categories:
a) expenses for the rehabilitation/modernization/expansion and/or establishment of depots for the transport vehicles in operation or to be acquired;
b) expenses for the acquisition of transport vehicles for the transportation of passengers and goods necessary for carrying out transport activities, except for taxi transport vehicles or those intended for the administrative activities of the economic operator or for their own transport activities;
c) expenses for equipping existing transport vehicles with equipment and technologies that lead to the improvement of the comfort/quality of the transportation services provided.
(5) Investment grants do not finance:
a) funding applications aimed at providing consultancy services, studies, or other related activities;
b) funding applications aimed at office premises or other activities related to real estate investments for office leasing/concession or any other form of exploitation thereof;
c) any other funding applications not related to the investment domains provided in Art. 19 para. (1) and (2).
(6) The total funds allocated for investment grants amount to 550,000,000 euros, of which 415,870,000 euros are allocated from the POC 2014-2020 budget and 62,380,500 euros as state budget co-financing, and 71,749,500 euros as own contribution.
(7) The total budget allocated for investment grants, without the beneficiaries’ own co-financing, is allocated to Romania’s development regions as follows:
a) 15% of the allocated budget value from non-repayable external funds for the Bucharest-Ilfov region as the more developed region;
b) 85% of the allocated budget value from non-repayable external funds for the other 7 less developed regions, using the allocation formula within the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020.
(8) Following the evaluation of submitted funding applications, MEEMA, in partnership with AIMMAIPE, will conclude state aid award contracts with selected beneficiaries.
(9) Expenses incurred after the commissioning of the investment project, such as salary expenses, expenses for the purchase of raw materials, consumables, repairs and maintenance, and other similar expense categories, are the responsibility of the final beneficiary of the state aid.
(10) Beneficiaries of state aid award contracts for investments can request payment of the contract/expense value incurred through methods similar to the payment request mechanisms and/or, as applicable, the pre-financing or reimbursement request mechanisms, as provided for in Emergency Government Ordinance no. 40/2015, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 105/2016, with subsequent amendments and completions.
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- for accessing financial allocations through various programs;;
- road and bridge technician;
- civil construction technician;
- water management technique;
- technical construction works;;
- procurement file or estimates needed to access non-refundable funds through special programs that are ongoing.
Our consulting services give you the chance to implement your construction, production or service projects with your own funds or with the help of non-reimbursable financial allocations.
We offer you the necessary advice to access the non-reimbursable funds through the special programs that are in progress.
We are ready to guide and support you so that your ideas come true!
Our field of activity refers to Engineering and Technical Consulting services related to them
This class includes:
Design engineering as well as consulting activities for:
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- geodetic and topographic activities.