The previous Measure – 6.4
200.000 euro
The registered office and place of work must be in a rural area;
The applicant must demonstrate the ability to co-finance the investment
The company must not be in difficulty (only for companies that are more than 2 years old);
The project implementation period is a maximum of 3 years;
All purchases must be new;
No purchases are sold during monitoring.
Extension and / or modernization and endowment of agro-pensions;
Establishment, extension and / or modernization and endowment of accommodation structures such as camping, caravan park, bungalows;
Establishment, extension and / or modernization and endowment of independent public catering structures;
Construction, extension and / or modernization and endowment of buildings;
Acquisition and installation costs, including financial leasing, of new machinery, installations and equipment;
Intangible investments: the acquisition or development of software and the acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights, trademarks;
Expenses related to the leasing of assets may be considered eligible only if the lease takes the form of a finance lease and provides for the obligation of the beneficiary to purchase the goods in question upon expiry of the lease.
More details
– 90% NON-REPAYABLE for production activities
Eligible applicants for non-repayable financial support granted under this measure are:
1. Micro-enterprises and small non-agricultural enterprises, existing and newly established (start-ups) in rural areas;
2. Farmers or members of agricultural households (authorized with minimum status as sole proprietors) diversifying their primary agricultural activity by developing a non-agricultural activity in the rural area within the already existing enterprise, eligible as micro-enterprises and small enterprises, except for unincorporated individuals.
Micro-enterprises and small enterprises, both existing and newly established (start-ups), must carry out their proposed activity through the project in rural areas. The registered office and the point/points of operation for the investment activities financed by the project must be located in rural areas. The registered office and the point/points of operation for the investment activities financed by the project must be maintained in rural areas throughout the validity period of the contract (both during the implementation period and during the project monitoring period).
A micro-enterprise is considered newly established (start-up) if it is established in the year of submitting the Financing Application or if it has not recorded any activity until the time of submission, but not more than 3 consecutive fiscal years.
Under measure 6.4, the applicant must have 100% private capital.
In order to receive support under measure 6.4, the support applicant must meet the following conditions:
a) The applicant must fall into the category of eligible beneficiaries;
b) The investment must fall into at least one of the types of support provided under the measure;
c) The project’s location for which funding is requested must be in rural areas;
d) The applicant’s registered office must be located in rural areas;
e) The applicant must demonstrate the capacity to provide co-financing for the investment;
f) The economic viability of the investment must be demonstrated based on the presentation of technical-economic documentation;
g) The enterprise must not be in difficulty in accordance with the Guidelines on State Aid for Rescue and Restructuring of Enterprises in Difficulty;
h) The investment will be preceded by an evaluation of the anticipated impact on the environment to assess whether it may have negative effects on the environment, in accordance with the applicable legislation mentioned in Chapter 8.1 of the PNDR. The applicant shall submit with the Financing Application proof of commencement of the environmental impact assessment procedure, in accordance with Law no. 292/2018 on environmental impact assessment, which can be the Classification of notification/Decision of the initial assessment stage (commencement of the environmental impact assessment procedure).
i) In the case of projects within the scope of the Danube Delta ITI, the applicant shall present the conformity opinion with the objectives of DD ITI;
j) The implementation period of the project is a maximum of 3 years, and the final payment will not exceed December 31, 2025.
k) The registered office and the point/points of operation where the investment for which funding is requested must be located in rural areas. This condition will be maintained throughout the implementation and monitoring period of the project.
l) In accordance with the provisions of Government Decision no. 226/2015, as amended and supplemented starting from 2021, at the measure level, a maximum of 2 financing applications can be submitted requesting financing for different measures. Thus, the same applicant can submit a maximum of one financing application per measure 6.4, while respecting the eligibility conditions.
m) Projects proposing activities related to one or more CAEN codes included in Annexes 7/8 are eligible – maximum 5 codes, where these activities complement, develop, or optimize each other. In the case of proposing multiple CAEN codes (maximum 5), these must necessarily belong to the same category of activity.
Non-repayable public support:
– The intensity of non-repayable public support is 70%.
– The intensity of non-repayable public support can be 90% for applicants carrying out production activities.
Public support will represent 90% or 70% of the total eligible expenses. The value of eligible non-repayable expenses (corresponding to the 90% or 70% percentage) will be a maximum of 200,000 euros, while complying with the conditions of de minimis aid.
The minimum threshold accepted for a project funded under this measure is 10,000 euros, this amount representing the total eligible value of the project.
– will not exceed 200,000 euros/beneficiary over a period of three consecutive financial years, except for sole enterprises engaged in the transport of goods on behalf of third parties or for a fee, for which the support does not exceed the amount of 100,000 euros over a period of three consecutive financial years.
Operations and expenses are eligible, respecting the provisions of Order no. 1,731/2015 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, regarding the establishment of the de minimis aid scheme “Support granted to microenterprises and small enterprises in rural areas for the establishment and development of non-agricultural economic activities“, with subsequent modifications and completions.
The types of eligible operations and expenses will be in accordance with the List of CAEN codes eligible for financing under sub-measure 6.4, Annex-7 to the Applicant’s Guide, and the provisions regarding the eligibility of expenses provided in Chapter 8.1 of the NRDP.
Specific eligible costs (specified in sub-measure 6.4 fact sheet):
a) Expansion and/or modernization and equipping of agro-guesthouses;
b) Establishment, expansion and/or modernization and equipping of camping accommodation structures, trailer park, bungalows;
c) Establishment, expansion and/or modernization and equipping of standalone public catering structures;
d) Construction, expansion and/or modernization and equipping of buildings;
e) Acquisition and installation costs, including through financial leasing, of new machinery, installations, and equipment;
f) Intangible investments: acquisition or development of software and acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights, trademarks.
Expenses related to leasing the assets can be considered eligible only if the leasing takes the form of financial leasing and includes the obligation of the beneficiary to purchase the respective goods at the end of the leasing contract.
General project costs are eligible if they cumulatively meet the following conditions:
a) If they comply with the provisions of Article 45 of Regulation No. 1305/2013;
b) They are provided or result from the application of legislation to obtain permits, agreements, and authorizations necessary for the implementation of eligible activities of the operation or from the minimum requirements imposed by the NRDP 2014-2020;
c) They are related, as appropriate, to studies and/or analyses regarding economic and environmental sustainability, feasibility study, technical project, document for the approval of intervention works, drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation;
d) They are necessary in the public procurement process for the eligible activities of the operation;
e) They are related to coordination and supervision activities for the execution and acceptance of construction works and installations.
Consultancy and project management expenses are eligible if they meet conditions a)-e).
Consultancy expenses for the preparation of the application file can be fully reimbursed within the first payment tranche. Project management consultancy expenses will be reimbursed proportionally to the value of each tranche of payment related to the project.
The general project costs for which conditions a)-e) are set must not exceed a maximum of 10% of the total eligible costs for projects involving construction and assembly and a maximum of 5% for projects involving investments in acquisitions, others than those related to construction and assembly.
Expenses necessary for the implementation of the project are eligible if:
a) They are actually carried out after the signing date of the financing contract and are related to achieving the investment objectives;
b) They are made for the realization of the investment with the reasonableness of costs (compliance with the prices established in the AFIR Reference Price Database, and in case they are not identified in this database, the presentation of offers corresponding to the type of acquisition made: one offer for prices lower than or equal to 15,000 euros without VAT and two offers for prices over 15,000 euros without VAT);
c) They are made in compliance with the provisions of the financing contract signed with AFIR;
d) They are recorded in the accounting records of the beneficiary, are identifiable, verifiable, and supported by the original supporting documents, under the conditions of the law.Eligible expenses for specialized transport means:
The following types of transport means are accepted for financing:
– Human ambulance;
– Special vehicle for sanitation;
– Specialized vehicle for interventions, equipped with a basket for work at height; – Specialized vehicle type platform vehicle, equipped with a multi-lift hook and hydraulic crane mounted on the chassis, for recycling;
– Tanker for non-food products (only tanker on chassis – excluding tractor unit and tanker trailer or one of them separately)
– Road sweeper;
– Concrete mixer truck;
– Vacuum truck;
– Specialized equipment for spreading anti-slip material (eligible only if the equipment is mounted directly on the chassis, without being detachable).
– Recreational transport means (e.g., ATV, bicycles, snowmobiles, scooters, etc.);
– Funeral transport vehicle.
Veterinary ambulance is eligible by meeting the following cumulative conditions:
– The means of transport must be classified as N1 or N2 with a maximum of 3 seats and 2 access doors in the cabin;
– RAR approval must be obtained based on an opinion issued by the College of Veterinary Physicians attesting that the vehicle is equipped according to the National Council Decision 2016; RAR will mention “specific equipment for veterinary medical interventions”;
– The vehicle’s identity document must record a special mention indicating the structural modification, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant public authority and current legislation;
– The means of transport will not be used for other activities, except those proposed by the project.
The above means of transport must be compact, specialized, and exclusively serve the activities proposed by the project. Transportation means such as tractors/tractor heads with trailers/semi-trailers (tractor heads may be used for other types of activities) are not accepted.
It is mandatory to present RAR approval at the final payment installment.
Agricultural equipment is not an eligible expense for funding.
The purchase and equipping of trailers/caravans and commercial trailers are not eligible.
The acquisition of containers for use as workstations is an eligible expense only if the Feasibility Study foresees the placement of the container on a concrete platform and it is connected/has the necessary utilities for carrying out the activities proposed by the project.
The acquisition of boats is allowed only for projects financing under the CAEN codes: 5520, 5530, 7721, 9312, 9329 on the condition that the boat is strictly used for the project’s purpose, without being associated with fishing, aquaculture, or reed cutting activities, both during the implementation and monitoring period.
The number of seats available in the boat must be correlated with the activities mentioned in the project. Any type of boat can be purchased for tourist and recreational rental activities. Their registration is done in accordance with the provisions of Order 1079/2014 for establishing procedures regarding the registration and registration of pleasure boats, the technical conditions, and the classification with Navigating personnel of these boats and the approval of economic operators for carrying out nautical agreement activities, issued by the Ministry of Transport.
Pleasure boats must have a maximum body length of 12 meters, transport a maximum of 12 people, and comply with the essential safety requirements for Design Category D – Protected Waters (Government Decision no. 464 of June 30, 2017 regarding pleasure boats and watercraft).
For pleasure boats, the owner will apply for registration in the Pleasure Boat Register.
In the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, the provisions of Government Decision 538/2015 approving the Rules on access and navigation of ships and boats on inland canals and lakes (Article 14) will be taken into account.
In the case of projects proposing the acquisition of recreational equipment (e.g., archery, Paintball equipment, inflatable equipment, etc.), the applicant/beneficiary is obligated to use the purchased equipment only for the purpose of serving the activities proposed by the project and only within the geographical area described in the Feasibility Study.
In case during the validity period of the Financing Contract (including the monitoring period) it is found that recreational equipment and means of transport are used outside the described area, the entire financial aid paid up to that date will be recovered.
In protected natural areas, self-propelled recreational equipment is eligible, respecting the legislation in force regarding the regime of protected natural areas. In case projects propose self-propelled recreational equipment, whose use will be in protected natural areas, the agreement of the administrator/custodian of the respective natural area will be submitted upon funding request.
Structures developed through projects funded under CAEN code 5530 – Parks for caravans, campsites, and camps must comply with the applicable provisions of OANT 65/2013, with subsequent amendments and completions, regarding the minimum mandatory criteria for classifying tourist accommodation structures of the camping type;.
Projects proposing the purchase of tents will be accepted for funding only for accommodation in camping accommodation structures, provided that they are used only on the camping pitches, for the accommodation of camping clients.
Camping huts are small-sized accommodation spaces, made of wood or other similar materials, usually consisting of a room and a small entrance or terrace, sometimes equipped with a private bathroom.
Camping huts will have a capacity built/updated through the project limited to a maximum of 4 places/hut, without limiting the number of huts, ensuring a distance of at least 3 meters from the other huts, necessary for parking a car.
Accommodation units such as camping huts/bungalows are eligible only if the Feasibility Study foresees the realization of these structures with foundations. These must be connected or have the necessary utilities for carrying out the activities proposed by the project. The accommodation capacity and surface area of the campsite must comply with the provisions of Annex 1 of OANT 65/2013, with subsequent amendments and completions.
Within the camping perimeter, both for camp organization and camping activities, the construction of a single bungalow as complementary accommodation space is accepted.
The construction of a single bungalow within the campsite, with a maximum of 4 room-type accommodation spaces, under the conditions defined by Order 65/2013, will be eligible for financing under SM 6.4. If the camping activity proposes a bungalow through the project, the total number of accommodation places in huts and tents must be greater than or equal to the number of accommodation places in the bungalow.
Camps for organized fishing and hunting within tourist accommodation structures are not eligible.
Expenses for the purchase of caravans are not eligible.
The construction of bungalows outside the campsite is not eligible.
Only the expansion and/or modernization and equipping of agritourism units are funded.
The agrotourism guesthouse is a tourist accommodation structure, with a capacity of up to 8 rooms, operating in citizens’ homes or in an independent building, providing accommodation for tourists in specially arranged spaces and providing meal preparation and serving conditions, as well as the possibility of participating in household or artisanal activities.
The applicant must demonstrate within the project how the agricultural/fishing/harvesting of reeds activity integrates with the tourist activity.
The expansion and/or modernization and equipping of the tourist accommodation structure will necessarily involve increasing the comfort level by at least one daisy, in case the maximum classification according to Order ANT 65/2013 has not been reached. The comfort level of the agrotourist reception structure held at the time of accession and the comfort level proposed by the project must be specified in the Feasibility Study, in accordance with Order ANT 65/2013 with subsequent amendments and completions.
In the case of agrotourist reception structures that have obtained the maximum classification according to Order ANT 65/2013, the expansion and/or modernization and equipping of the structure in order to
meet the additional criteria from Annex no. 1.5.1 to the methodological norms to Order ANT 65/2013 – Supplementary criteria for the classification of tourist accommodation structures with accommodation functions such as tourist pension and agrotourist pension, as well as with the mandatory maintenance of the comfort level held at the time of application, are accepted.
Grant beneficiaries who will access support for co-financing investments through PNDR loans will be selected by financial intermediaries (banks or other selected credit institutions) based on the economic and financial criteria included in their own credit conditions to ensure the economic viability of the funded investment projects.
For the Beneficiary who opted for an advance for the start of the investment in the Financing Request form, AFIR can grant an advance of up to 50% of the eligible non-repayable value.
The following are not eligible:
– Provision of agricultural services, acquisition of machinery and equipment related to this activity, in accordance with the Classification of Activities in the National Economy;
– Processing and marketing of products listed in Annex I to the Treaty;
– Biomass electricity production as an economic activity;
– Expenses for the purchase of second-hand goods and equipment;
– Expenses incurred before signing the project financing contract, except for general costs defined in Article 45, paragraph 2, letter c) of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 that can be incurred before submitting the financing request;
– Expenses for the purchase of means of transport for personal use and for passenger transport;
– Investments that are subject to double funding, which concern the same eligible costs;
– Expenses in accordance with Article 69(3) of Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013, namely:
a) Debit interest;
b) Acquisition of built and unbuilt land;
c) Value-added tax, except where it cannot be recovered under national VAT legislation or specific provisions for financial instruments;
d) In the case of leasing contracts, other costs related to leasing contracts, such as the lessor’s margin, interest refinancing costs, general expenses, and insurance expenses.
e) Expenses that are funded by other European/national programs, according to Chapters 14 and 15 – PNDR.
Specific ineligible expenses:
– Specific expenses for the establishment and operation of businesses (obtaining operating permits, authorization fees, employee salaries, administrative costs, etc.);
– Expenses for establishing agrotourism guesthouses, pensions, and hotels;
– Expenses for the purchase of any type of floating pontoon.
The diversification areas covered under the measure are:
– Production activities (e.g., manufacturing of textile products, clothing, leather goods, paper and cardboard articles; chemical and pharmaceutical products manufacturing; wood processing activities; metallurgical industry, manufacturing of metal structures, machinery, equipment; manufacturing of electrical, electronic products, etc.);
– Craft activities (e.g., handicraft activities and other non-agricultural traditional activities (e.g., pottery, embroidery, manual processing of iron, wool, wood, leather, etc.);
– Tourist activities: modernization/expansion/equipping of agritourism guesthouses, establishment/modernization/expansion/equipping of camping accommodation structures, caravan park, bungalow, tourist recreational and catering services, including local gastronomic point;
– Provision of social services, including construction, reconstruction, and/or modernization of spaces and areas related to the conduct of activities (e.g., medical, social, veterinary-sanitary activities);
– Provision of services to the population, e.g., machine repairs, tools, household items; consultancy, accounting, legal, audit services; IT and information services; technical, administrative services, etc.;
– Manufacturing of pellets and briquettes from biomass.
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