1.500.000 – 6.000.000 euro
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 45% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 55% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
– medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
– small-sized enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
Applicant has conducted business for a period corresponding to at least one full fiscal year and has recorded operating profit (>0 lei) in the fiscal year preceding the submission of the funding application;
Small enterprises – have fewer than 50 employees and generate an annual net turnover or hold total assets of up to 10 million euros, equivalent in lei;
Medium-sized enterprises – have fewer than 250 employees and generate an annual net turnover of up to 50 million euros, equivalent in lei, or hold total assets that do not exceed the equivalent in lei of 43 million euros;
Provide co-financing;
Have recorded net profit from operations in the latest financial situations;
Have at least 3 employees.
Assets purchased must be new;
Creation of 2 jobs;
Nothing is sold for 5 years.
Construction or expansion works of workspace;
Working installations;
Office supplies.
More details
- 1,500,000 EURO and 6,000,000 EURO
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 45% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 55% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Medium-sized enterprises – 60% NON-REFUNDABLE
- Small enterprises – 70% NON-REFUNDABLE
Only for investments in the development regions: – North East – South East – South Muntenia – South West Oltenia – West – North West – Center
Eligible applicants under this call for projects are urban SMEs or medium-sized enterprises from rural areas.
- The applicant is a company or cooperative society falling under the category of urban SMEs or medium-sized enterprises from rural areas.
- The field of activity in which the investment is made: Regio finances investments only in eligible fields of activity (CAEN classes), as listed in Annex 2 to the Specific Guide.
- The applicant has conducted business activity for a period corresponding to at least one full fiscal year and has recorded operating profit (>0 lei) in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the funding application.
- The applicant must fall into one of the following categories:
- Small enterprises – have fewer than 50 employees and achieve an annual net turnover or hold total assets of up to 10 million euros, equivalent in lei;
- Medium-sized enterprises – have fewer than 250 employees and achieve an annual net turnover of up to 50 million euros, equivalent in lei, or hold total assets that do not exceed the lei equivalent of 43 million euros.
- The applicant has the financial capacity to provide:
- its own contribution to the eligible project value,
- financing for ineligible project expenses, where applicable, and
- the financial resources necessary for the optimal implementation of the project under the conditions of subsequent reimbursement of eligible expenses from structural instruments.
- The applicant and its legal representative do not fall into the exclusion situations presented in the Eligibility Declaration.
- The project implementation location is in urban areas (including villages belonging to cities) for SMEs or in rural areas for medium-sized enterprises.
- Projects located in the Bucharest-Ilfov development region cannot be submitted under this call.
The project proposed in the funding application must include, as a mandatory requirement, investments in tangible assets (construction/expansion/equipment with tangible assets). The inclusion of investments in intangible assets in the project is optional.
- Investments in tangible assets
– construction works, expansion of production/service spaces of SMEs, including general utilities (water supply, sewage, natural gas supply, thermal energy, electricity, fire protection);
– acquisition of technological equipment, machinery, working installations, furniture, IT equipment, office supplies, considered fixed assets, falling under Subgroup 2.1. “Technological equipment (machines, equipment, and working installations)”, Subgroup 2.2. “Measurement, control, and regulation devices and installations”, Class 2.3.6. “Transportation and lifting equipment”, or Group 3 “Furniture, office equipment, human and material value protection systems, and other tangible assets” of Government Decision no. 2139/2004 for the approval of the Catalog regarding the classification and normal operating periods of fixed assets, with subsequent amendments and completions, and falling within the value limit related to fixed assets set by the legal regulations in force at the date of submission of the funding application.
– acquisition of specific installations/equipment for energy savings, as well as systems using renewable (alternative) energy sources to improve the efficiency of activities for which funding is requested. Renewable (alternative) energy sources: solar energy (used for heat production or electricity supply through photovoltaic systems); wind energy; hydropower; biomass (biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas); geothermal energy.
Modernization works can be considered eligible only to the extent that they are related to an initial investment proposed in the project.
- Investments in intangible assets: patents, licenses, trademarks, software, other rights, and similar assets used exclusively in the activity area targeted by the project. The eligible value of intangible assets cannot exceed 20% of the eligible value of tangible assets subject to the project. Intangible assets must also meet the following cumulative conditions:
– must be used exclusively within the unit receiving the aid;
– must be purchased under market conditions from third parties unrelated to the buyer (aid recipient);
– must be included in the assets of the enterprise benefiting from the aid and must remain associated with the project for which aid was granted for a minimum period of three years from the date of final payment within the project.
- Other expenses (eligible for regional state aid)
– construction and installation works related to site organization, associated construction costs;
– various and unforeseen expenses – considered eligible if properly detailed through supporting documents and only up to 10% of the eligible value of eligible expenses. Various and unforeseen expenses will be used in accordance with the legislation in the field of public procurement referring to contractual changes that occur during project execution.
Non-deductible and unrecoverable value-added tax related to eligible expenses is eligible.
The following categories of expenses are ineligible under this call for projects:
a. expenses provided in art. 13 of Government Decision No. 399/2015 regarding the eligibility rules of expenses incurred within operations financed through ERDF, ESF, CF 2014-2020
b. acquisition of land and/or buildings, c. operational, functional, testing, and maintenance costs
d. administrative costs (management costs that cannot be associated with production or sales – e.g. salaries of general administrative staff; rents and repairs of general interest immobilizations in administration; energy, fuel, and other similar consumables; administrative-household expenses; other general administrative expenses)
e. personnel costs
f. financial expenses, namely insurance premiums, taxes, fees, interest, and loan rates,
g. in-kind contribution h. depreciation i. leasing costs provided in art. 9 of Government Decision no. 399/2015
j. expenses related to the acquisition of vehicles and means of transport, as classified in Subgroup 2.3. “Means of transport” from GD 2139/2004, regardless of the applicant’s field of activity or the field of activity in which the proposed investment is to be carried out, except for Class 2.3.6. “Transportation and lifting equipment”
k. expenses for the development of pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, works approval documentation, technical project.
l. expenses incurred before the submission date of the funding application, except those related to Chapter 3 “Expenses for design and technical assistance” above.
- Projects that include only investments in intangible assets or modernization works are not eligible.
- Projects that include investments already initiated (i.e., construction works have started or a firm order for goods has been placed) before the submission of the funding application are not eligible.
- Investments consisting solely of construction works that are not subject to authorization under the law are not eligible.
The eligibility of an activity does not equate to the eligibility of the expenses incurred for that activity.
An investment may target one or more CAEN classes (codes), provided that they are related to the same activity/production flow.
The period for carrying out project activities after the signing of the financing contract can be extended, but no later than 31.12.2023.
To benefit from FREE CONSULTATION, please fill out the form below!

- for accessing financial allocations through various programs;;
- road and bridge technician;
- civil construction technician;
- water management technique;
- technical construction works;;
- procurement file or estimates needed to access non-refundable funds through special programs that are ongoing.
Our consulting services give you the chance to implement your construction, production or service projects with your own funds or with the help of non-reimbursable financial allocations.
We offer you the necessary advice to access the non-reimbursable funds through the special programs that are in progress.
We are ready to guide and support you so that your ideas come true!
Our field of activity refers to Engineering and Technical Consulting services related to them
This class includes:
Design engineering as well as consulting activities for:
- projects involving civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, traffic engineering;
- water management projects;
- geophysical, geological and seismic, topography;
- geodetic and topographic activities.