200.000 euros
The applicant has carried out activity for a period corresponding to at least one full fiscal year;
It has recorded operating profit (>0 lei) in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the funding application;
The applicant has recorded an average number of employees of at least 1 in the fiscal year prior to the submission of the funding application, or the applicant has at least one full-time employee on an indefinite period at the time of submitting the funding application;
The applicant provides a minimum 10% own contribution of the eligible value.
No sales for 5 years;
The purchased assets must be new;
Maintaining activity during this period;
Creating 2 jobs.
Construction/ extension/ modernization works of production/ service spaces;
Purchase of technological equipment, machinery, work installations, furniture, computer equipment, office supplies, fixed assets;
Purchase of specific installations/ equipment aimed at achieving energy savings.
More details
Eligible applicants under this call for projects are commercial companies or cooperatives falling into the category of micro-enterprises.
1. The applicant is a company [1] or cooperative [2] that falls into the category of micro-enterprises
2. The field of activity in which the investment is made
3. The applicant has conducted business for a period corresponding to at least one full fiscal year, has not had its activity temporarily suspended at any time during the current year of filing for funding, or in the previous fiscal year, and has recorded a profit from operations (> 0 lei) in the fiscal year preceding the filing for funding
4.a) The applicant has recorded an average number of employees of at least 1 in the fiscal year preceding the filing for funding
b) The applicant has at least one full-time employee on an indefinite basis, at the time of filing for funding
5. The applicant has the financial capacity to provide – its own contribution of at least 10.00% of the eligible project value, – financing of ineligible project expenses, where applicable, and – financial resources necessary for the optimal implementation of the project under subsequent reimbursement of eligible expenses from structural instruments.
6. The applicant and its legal representative do not fall within the exclusion situations presented in the Eligibility Declaration
7. The place of project implementation
a. The place of project implementation is located in urban areas, in the development region where the funding application was submitted (North East, South East, South West Oltenia, West, Center).
b. At the time of filing for funding, the applicant must already have the project implementation site registered as its main or secondary headquarters (workplace), in accordance with the ORC registration certificate.
c. The applicant holds one of the following rights (ownership, concession, or surface rights) over the property (land and/or buildings) at the time of funding application and during the evaluation, selection, and contracting period.
The program only finances certain types of investments that lead to the development of micro-enterprises:
a. Investments in tangible assets
– Construction/extension/modernization works of production/service spaces of micro-enterprises, including general utilities (water supply, sewerage, natural gas supply, thermal agent, electricity, fire protection);
– Purchase of technological equipment, machinery, work installations, furniture, computer equipment, office supplies, fixed assets, respectively found in Group 3 “Furniture, office equipment, human and material value protection systems and other tangible assets” of Government Decision no. 2139/2004 for the approval of the Catalog regarding the classification and normal operating periods of fixed assets, with subsequent amendments and completions, and which fall within the value limit of fixed assets set by the legal regulations in force at the date of funding application.
– Purchase of specific installations/equipment aimed at achieving energy savings, as well as systems using renewable (alternative) energy sources for the efficiency of the activities for which funding is requested, within the limit of 15% of the project’s eligible value. Renewable (alternative) energy sources: solar energy (used for heat production or supply of electricity through photovoltaic systems); wind energy; hydro energy; biomass (biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas); geothermal energy.
b. Investments in intangible assets: patents, licenses, trademarks, software, other rights, and similar assets
c. Investments in the development of online marketing tools for the applicant’s own services/products. These tools aim to create a virtual store (e-shop) where various functionalities specific to e-commerce are implemented: publishing catalogs of articles, prices, and stocks, order taking, electronic payment tools,
Projects that include only investments of the type mentioned in points a. and/or c. above and/or the construction works that are not subject to authorization, according to the law, are not eligible.
Projects that include investments already started (i.e., construction works have been started or a firm order for goods has been placed) before the signing of the financing contract are not eligible.
The following categories of expenses are not eligible under this call for projects:
Expenses for the procurement of goods that, according to the law, fall into the category of inventory items.
- a. Expenses provided for in art. 13 of Gov. Decree No. 399/2015 on the eligibility rules for expenses incurred under operations financed by the ERDF, ESF, CF 2014-2020
- b. Purchase of land and/or buildings,
- c. Operational, operating, testing, and maintenance costs
- d. Administrative costs (management costs that cannot be associated with production or sales – e.g., salaries of general administrative staff; rents and repairs of general interest assets in administration; energy, fuel, and other similar consumables; administrative-household expenses; other general administrative expenses)
- e. Personnel costs
- f. Financial expenses, namely insurance premiums, taxes, commissions, rates, and interest on loans,
- g. Contribution in kind
- h. Depreciation
- i. Lease expenses provided for in art. 9 of Gov. Decree No. 399/2015
- j. Expenses for the purchase of vehicles and means of transport, as classified in Group 2.3. “Means of transport” of Gov. Decree 2139/2004, regardless of the applicant’s field of activity or the field of activity in which the proposed investment is intended, with the exception of Class 2.3.6. “Machinery and equipment for transporting and lifting”
- k. Expenses for the development of pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, intervention work approval documentation
- l. Expenses incurred before the signing of the project financing contract, except for those related to Chapter 3 “Design and technical assistance expenses” above
The investment proposed by the project must target a single field of activity (CAEN class). If the investment involves the acquisition of equipment, technological equipment, etc., which, by nature and functions, can be exploited in the conduct of even adjacent activities belonging to distinct/adjacent fields of activity, the CAEN class targeted by the project is represented by the “main domain,” respectively, the domain in which the asset is predominantly used.
[1] Established under Law no. 31/1990 on companies, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions
[2] Established under Law no. 1/2005 on the organization and functioning of cooperatives, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions
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- for accessing financial allocations through various programs;;
- road and bridge technician;
- civil construction technician;
- water management technique;
- technical construction works;;
- procurement file or estimates needed to access non-refundable funds through special programs that are ongoing.
Our consulting services give you the chance to implement your construction, production or service projects with your own funds or with the help of non-reimbursable financial allocations.
We offer you the necessary advice to access the non-reimbursable funds through the special programs that are in progress.
We are ready to guide and support you so that your ideas come true!
Our field of activity refers to Engineering and Technical Consulting services related to them
This class includes:
Design engineering as well as consulting activities for:
- projects involving civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, traffic engineering;
- water management projects;
- geophysical, geological and seismic, topography;
- geodetic and topographic activities.