Saint Via


POIM 2 - Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy for Self-Consumption at the Enterprise Level.

Measures of de minimis aid for energy efficiency and production from renewable sources.


Between 50,000 euros and 200,000 euros


The minimum value is 50,000 euros and the maximum is 200,000 euros.

Funding intensity: up to 90%.


The applicant is a legally established company in Romania, until December 31, 2021 inclusive;

The applicant had at least one employee on December 31, 2021;

The applicant is not in difficulty;

The applicant has fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes, fees, and social security contributions to the component budgets of the consolidated general budget, including local budgets;

The applicant is not bankrupt or in liquidation;

The applicant undertakes to ensure the sustainability of the project, namely to ensure the conduct of operational/current activities and to maintain the specific energy parameters to which it has committed for a period of at least 5 years after the expiration of the project implementation period;

The applicant holds at least one contract for the supply of electricity, natural gas, or thermal energy;

The applicant provides a declaration of total annual energy consumption showing the total energy consumption calculated in tep/year, where applicable.


Support is not provided for:

Disposal or construction of nuclear power plants;

The fishing and aquaculture sectors;

Purchase of road freight transport vehicles granted to companies that carry out road freight transport on behalf of third parties or for a fee;

Primary production of agricultural products.


 Equipment (machinery, technological equipment), computer equipment;

 Investments in specific equipment/machinery/facilities necessary for obtaining energy from renewable sources;

 Investments in modernization/rehabilitation/increasing installed capacities works, meaning the addition to existing cogeneration/trigeneration facilities of new facilities for energy production from renewable energy sources.


The minimum value is 50,000 euros and the maximum is 200,000 euros.
Funding intensity: maximum 90%.


(1) Applicants must meet the following institutional, legal, and financial conditions:
a) The applicant is a legally established company in Romania, by December 31, 2021, and falls under the category of SME or large enterprises, as defined in Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022, Article 2, letter i) respectively letter j), and carries out its activity in Romania at the time of submitting the funding application and is registered with the Trade Register Office, according to the national legislation in force.
b) The applicant had at least one employee on December 31, 2021.
c) Carries out production/service provision activities except for real estate investments, consultancy, technical assistance, and activities listed in Annex 1 to Government Decision no. 780/2006, as amended and supplemented, as well as in sectors and/or fields excluded from the applicable de minimis scheme. Thus, the applicant does not request funding for the excluded fields from the scope of Regulation 1407/2013 and respectively Regulation 1300/2013 as mentioned in section 1.9 of this guide;
d) The applicant meets cumulatively the conditions defined in Art. 11 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022, including not being in difficulty, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 point 18 of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014, as amended and supplemented;
e) The applicant is not subject to an outstanding recovery order following a previous decision of the European Commission, the court, a state aid provider, or the Competition Council declaring state aid illegal and incompatible with the internal market;
f) The applicant has fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes, duties, and social security contributions to the component budgets of the consolidated general budget, including to local budgets;
g) The applicant is not bankrupt, in liquidation, has businesses run by a judicial administrator, or their commercial activities are suspended or subject to an arrangement with creditors, or are in a similar situation to the previous ones, regulated by law, or are subject to a legal procedure for their declaration in bankruptcy, liquidation, conducting business by a judicial administrator;
h) The applicant/its legal representative has not been definitively convicted due to professional conduct directed against the law, a decision made by a court authority with res judicata force;
i) The applicant/its legal representative has not been the subject of res judicata judgments for fraud, corruption, involvement in criminal organizations, or other illegal activities, to the detriment of the financial interests of the European Community;
j) The legal representative of the applicant who exercises his/her rights on the date of submitting the funding application and during the evaluation, selection, and contracting process is not in any of the following situations:
– is the subject of a conflict of interest, defined in accordance with the national/community provisions in force, or is in a situation that has or may have the effect of compromising the objectivity and impartiality of the evaluation, selection, contracting, and project implementation process;
– is in a situation to seriously mislead the management authority and/or its delegates, or the evaluation and selection committees, by providing incorrect information in the context of this call for projects or other project calls carried out for funding under other European/national funding programs;
– is in a situation to attempt/be attempted to obtain confidential information or to influence the evaluation and selection committees or the management authority and/or its delegates during the evaluation and selection process of this call for projects or other project calls carried out within European/national funding programs;
k) The applicant demonstrates project management capacity and technical capacity to support project activities, through information on the staff involved in the project implementation/outsourcing of project management service.
l) The applicant demonstrates financial capacity for project implementation and has its own co-financing of the project established in accordance with the legal provisions regarding state aid, as they will be included in state aid schemes, and assumes the coverage of amounts related to ineligible expenses.
m) The applicant undertakes to ensure project sustainability, i.e., to ensure the conduct of operational/current activities and to maintain specific energy parameters to which it has committed for a period of at least 5 years after the expiry of the project implementation period.
n) The applicant has not benefited from financial support from public funds, including EU funds, in the last 5 years for the same activities (eligible costs), or is not currently implementing projects, partially or in full, funded from other public sources, for the same activities. Also, for the same eligible costs, the beneficiary has not requested funding from other public sources, including EU funds.
o) Where applicable, the applicant undertakes to implement energy efficiency improvement measures based on information obtained from the monitoring system proposed by the project for which funding is requested under Specific Objective 11.1, within a 5-year interval from the final payment within the project. p) The applicant holds at least one contract for the supply of electricity, natural gas, or thermal energy, depending on the type of funding requested, which is valid for the consumption point where it applies.
q) presents an annual total energy consumption declaration showing the total energy consumption calculated in tep/year, where applicable.
Other forms of organization of undertakings and/or other entities assimilated to them are not eligible. Branches, agencies, representatives, or other similar units without legal personality cannot apply for funding under this call. The company that owns them can apply for funding for them, provided that all conditions for granting the funding are met, and the economic and financial analysis is carried out by reporting to it.
Partnerships are not eligible within the project calls launched under this guide.

(2) No financial support is provided for:

1. Activities carried out by companies operating in the following sectors and/or targeting the following aids:
a) sectors of fishing and aquaculture, as regulated by Council Regulation (EC) No. 104/2000 on the common organization of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products;
b) the field of primary production of agricultural products;
c) the processing and marketing sector of agricultural products, in the following cases:
– when the value of the aid is based on the price or quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or placed on the market by the respective companies;
– when aids are conditioned by their partial or full transfer to primary producers;
d) aids for activities related to exports to third countries or to other Member States, respectively aids directly linked to the quantities exported, aids for the establishment and operation of a distribution network or for other current expenses related to export activities;
e) aids conditioned by the preferential use of national products over imported products;

2. Excluded areas by Regulation (EU) No. 1300/2013, respectively:

a) the decommissioning or construction of nuclear power plants;
b) investments aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the activities listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC;
c) investments in the housing sector, except those related to promoting energy efficiency or the use of energy from renewable sources;
d) the manufacture, processing, and marketing of tobacco and tobacco products;
e) undertakings in difficulty, as defined in Regulation 651/2014, Art. 2, point 18;
f) investments in airport infrastructure, except those related to environmental protection or those accompanied by investments necessary to mitigate or reduce the negative impact of this infrastructure on the environment.

3. The purchase of road freight transport vehicles granted to companies that carry out road freight transport on behalf of third parties or for a fee;

4. Facilitating the closure of non-competitive coal mines, as regulated by Decision No. 2010/787/EU on state aid for the closure of non-competitive coal mines;. Enterprises applying for funding for activities listed in Annex 1 to Government Decision no. 780/2006 on the establishment of the greenhouse gas emission certificates trading scheme, as amended and supplemented, respectively in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC.


(1) The minimum value is 50,000 euros and the maximum is 200,000 euros. The exchange rate at which compliance with the respective minimum and maximum values ​​will be calculated is the inforeuro exchange rate from September 2022, respectively 1 euro = 4.8657 lei.

The maximum non-repayable funding granted for an investment project under this scheme cannot exceed 100% of the eligible value of the investment, namely the equivalent in lei of 200,000 euros or 100,000 euros, as the case may be, according to the following:

  • – The maximum value of the de minimis aid that can be granted to the applicant cannot exceed the equivalent in lei of 200,000 euros, over a period of 3 consecutive fiscal years (two fiscal years prior and the current fiscal year), regardless of whether the aid was granted from national or European sources. The total value of de minimis aids granted to the applicant performing road freight transport on behalf of third parties or for a fee cannot exceed the equivalent in lei of 100,000 euros over a period of 3 consecutive fiscal years. These de minimis aids cannot be used for the purchase of road freight transport vehicles. In the case where the applicant is part of a single undertaking, within the meaning of the definition provided for in Article 2 (2) of European Commission Regulation No. 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid, for the verification of compliance with this criterion, the de minimis aids granted to the single undertaking will be taken into account;
  • – When an enterprise carrying out road freight transport on behalf of third parties or for a fee also carries out other activities for which the 200,000 euro threshold applies, the 200,000 euro threshold, equivalent in lei, applies to that enterprise, provided that accounting documents are presented to prove the separation of the evidence of these activities or the distinction between costs, to prove that the amount benefiting from road freight transport activity does not exceed the equivalent in lei of 100,000 euros and that de minimis aids are not used for the purchase of road freight transport vehicles.

(2) Within this specific objective, projects aiming to support the following categories of investments will be financed in accordance with the provisions of Art. 5 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022 on the establishment of measures to stimulate investments with non-repayable external funds in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy resources for large and small and medium-sized enterprises, green energy from renewable sources for local public authorities, as well as some measures in the field of smart specialization, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts:

I. Investments in energy efficiency measures and reducing specific energy consumption in buildings and related constructions, except for administrative buildings or buildings not intended for the production, service activities of SMEs and large enterprises, through interventions in building utility systems, as well as purchases of equipment, machinery, specific equipment necessary for energy production required by buildings and related constructions.

II. Investments in equipment/machinery/specific equipment necessary for obtaining energy from renewable sources, except biomass, for the own energy consumption of enterprises, which fall within the specific production capacity of the prosumer defined according to Art. 3 point 95 of Law no. 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions.

III. Investments in energy efficiency measures at the level of existing or new cogeneration, trigeneration units at the time of submitting the funding application, including for works of modernization/rehabilitation/increase of installed capacities, using renewable energy sources for own consumption, which fall within the specific production capacity of the prosumer, defined according to Art. 3 point 95 of Law no. 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions.

IV. Investments for reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through systems dedicated to modernizing, monitoring, and optimizing energy consumption in SMEs and large enterprises, which will include, as mandatory, the installation of an energy management system – EMS – which will ensure, at the enterprise level, general energy consumption metering, will perform statistics on consumption, will record and analyze centralized data, will provide a periodic report on this data, and will optimize energy consumption in real-time.

(3) For investment category I the following categories of eligible expenses/interventions are supported in accordance with the provisions of Art. 6, letters b-e of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022:

    • introduction, rehabilitation, and modernization of technical systems of buildings, including for preparing buildings for smart solutions, respectively installations for heating, hot water preparation, distribution, and use, ventilation and air conditioning systems, mechanical ventilation systems with heat recovery, including passive cooling systems, without being exhaustive, purchase and installation of related equipment and connection to centralized heating systems, as appropriate;
    • replacement of fluorescent and incandescent lighting fixtures with high-efficiency lighting fixtures and long service life;
    • implementation of energy management systems aimed at improving energy efficiency and monitoring energy consumption, including the purchase, installation of intelligent systems for managing and monitoring any type of energy to ensure indoor comfort conditions;
      • activities leading to achieving the project’s objectives, without being exhaustive: smart shading systems for the warm season, replacement, repair, modernization, installation of elevators, replacement of electrical circuits, dismantling/installation works for mounted installations and equipment, facade repairs, works for equipping with charging stations for electric cars, respective ducts for electrical cables, including ducts for electrical cables fixed on walls, necessary for allowing the subsequent installation of electric vehicle charging points.

For investment category II the following categories of eligible expenses/interventions are supported in accordance with the provisions of Art 7, letter c) of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022:

      • establishment, acquisition, modernization of new/existing cogeneration units/capacities for obtaining thermal and electrical energy in cogeneration from renewable sources for own consumption by enterprises.

For investment category III the following categories of eligible expenses/interventions are supported in accordance with the provisions of Art. 8 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022:

      • establishment of new cogeneration, trigeneration units for obtaining thermal and electrical energy in cogeneration from renewable sources, except biomass, for own consumption, falling within the specific production capacities of the prosumer, as defined according to Art. 3 point 95 of Law no. 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;
      • modernization, rehabilitation, increase of installed capacity for cogeneration/trigeneration units obtaining thermal and electrical energy from renewable sources, except biomass, for own consumption, falling within the specific production capacities of the prosumer;
      • purchase of equipment/machinery/technologies/specific equipment for obtaining thermal/electrical energy in cogeneration from renewable sources, except biomass, necessary for own consumption, falling within the specific production capacities of the prosumer.

For investment category IV the following categories of eligible expenses/interventions are supported in accordance with the provisions of Art. 9 of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022:

i. acquisition and implementation of an energy consumption monitoring system at the enterprise level, respective installations/equipment necessary for implementing energy consumption monitoring systems in SMEs and large enterprises, with the aim of immediate and short-term reduction of energy losses, locating the application points and quantifying the potential for energy consumption reduction, and maximizing the efficiency of energy efficiency measures that can be subsequently applied by the enterprise, without being exhaustive:

      • hardware and software monitoring systems: sensors for measuring instruments and/or measuring instruments and control devices for process data;
      • RTU – Remote Terminal Units – data retrieval unit from the process or field, data communication system, station;
      • data communication system;
      • master station – the station where all communications converge and which is connected to all equipment and subsystems;
      • computerized data processing system, recommendation of solutions or actions and/or optimization of these actions. Other equipment, only if necessary for project implementation, including self-energy measurement laboratories, gas analyzers, without being exhaustive;

ii. purchase of equipment, machinery, and apparatus necessary for investments in energy efficiency.

The main energy efficiency equipment includes installations, specific equipment for enterprises, aimed at achieving energy savings based on energy analysis – without being exhaustive, motors, transformers, air compressors, pumps, installations, equipment, ventilation systems, heating systems, cooling, boilers, burners, heat exchangers, frequency converters, capacitor banks, integrated energy consumption management systems.

Equipment selection is based on the energy analysis carried out at the project level by an independent/authorized expert. The energy efficiency class must be high-energy efficiency, at least class A where the energy certification/labeling system is used.

Thus, the replaced equipment must be superior to the existing one and must not have been purchased with other non-repayable external funds;

iii. acquisition, modernization, rehabilitation of equipment, machinery, technologies, independent equipment that are part of the production/service activity and contribute to reducing energy consumption and, respectively, greenhouse gas emissions. In the case of acquiring/modernizing/rehabilitating assets that contribute to reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, they must ensure the reduction of specific energy consumption from the initial specific energy consumption value. Monitoring systems that represent the extension of existing monitoring systems can also be considered.

(4) Projects aimed at energy storage are not eligible under this call for projects. For the purposes of this guide, electricity-generating units from renewable sources with installed capacities of up to 400 kW per consumption point will not be funded.

Thermal rehabilitation works are not eligible, except for eligible expenses/interventions mentioned in Art. 6, letters b-e of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 112/2022, respectively in section 1.3.2 of this guide. Thermal insulation is not eligible for this category of investments under this call for projects. Also, since no insulation works are carried out, consolidation works are not eligible under this call for projects.

Investments involving the construction of new buildings are not eligible.

Consolidation works on buildings and related constructions are not eligible, nor are seismic consolidation works under this guide.

Buildings exclusively used for real estate investment, consultancy, technical assistance activities are not eligible.

The purchase of heat pumps or photovoltaic panels is not eligible as expenses according to the above for all types of investments.

Expenses for financial audit/energy audit and/or other consulting services are not eligible under the 11.1 POIM calls for projects.

Expenses for purchasing project management consulting services are not eligible.

The use of biomass as a renewable energy source is not eligible.

For projects promoted under the calls launched through this guide, the expense related to VAT is not eligible, being deductible from the perspective of the economic activity carried out by the applicant.

Under OS 11.1, the following types of expenses are not eligible (in accordance with the provisions of Art. 13, letter h of HG no. 399/2015):

– expenses related to in-kind contributions

– depreciation expenses

– expenses related to the acquisition of already built properties

– leasing expenses

– rental expenses, other than those provided for in general administrative expenses

– expenses for the purchase of means of transport

– general administrative expenses

– debit interest except those related to grants provided in the form of interest subsidies or guarantee fees

– other fees related to loans

– purchase of second-hand equipment

– fines, penalties, and legal and arbitration expenses

– costs for operating investment objectives

– expenses incurred for investment objectives executed in-house

– expenses related to activities related to carrying out energy audits (required according to Law no. 121/2014).

Equipment whose production date is more than 3 years old until the date of submission of the funding application is not eligible. Also, until the payment/refund request that includes the respective equipment, the green certificate related to it must be submitted.

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      •   water management technique;
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      •   procurement file or estimates needed to access non-refundable funds through special programs that are ongoing.

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